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Pest Profile: Lamb’s Quarters

Lamb’s Quarters are annual broadleaf weeds commonly found throughout Canada and the U.S. Often one of the first to emerge in the spring, this...

Controlling Crop Weeds in the Spring

Many consider fall the best time to take on hard-to-kill weeds, especially perennials and winter annuals. For perennials, a post-harvest burn-off...

Your Seedbed Preparation Checklist

Tips and tricks to ensure every stage of seedbed preparation is quick and efficient, from checking your equipment to minimizing soil compaction...

Pest Profile: Septoria Leaf Spot

Septoria leaf spot is a common leaf disease causing premature defoliation. Though it overwinters on infected leaves and twigs, wind and rain can...

Pest Profile: Volunteer Canola

The fourth most common weed in Western Canada, volunteer canola is especially challenging to control in herbicide-tolerant crops like soybeans. It...

Pest Profile: Wild Buckwheat

Tips on identifying and controlling wild buckwheat, an annual broadleaf weed pest that is highly crop competitive and resistant to Group 2...

The Grower’s Guide to Imazamox

For its tank-mixability, residual control and flexible re-cropping options, imazamox has become the go-to active for many pea and soybean growers...