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Cheque Presentation at Big Valley

Playground Upgrades in Full Swing

ADAMA Canada’s $5,000 investment will double the number of swings at the Big Valley School playground.
Cheque Presentation at Big Valley

There will be more bums in the swing seats at Big Valley School when the school year starts this fall thanks to ADAMA Canada’s Stomping Grounds program.

“We’ve been upgrading our playground over the past couple of years and had plans for one bay of swings, but thanks to ADAMA’s donation we will be adding two more bays plus a disc swing,” says Christy Rivett, chair of the Friends of Big Valley playground committee. 

"Part of this process was to ask the kids what they wanted in their playground and upgrading the swings – and adding the disc swing in particular – was really popular with the kids,” she says. “So, when we got word we were awarded the grant it was really exciting for us to be able to add these extra swings for the kids to enjoy for years to come.”

Now in its second year running, Stomping Grounds was created by ADAMA Canada with the mandate to invest in local initiatives that support youth, health and connection. The playground committee received word in April that their project was selected for a $5,000 investment. 

Michelle Brown, Area Business Manager for ADAMA Canada, visited the school at the end of May to deliver the “cheque” and meet some of the kids that will soon be taking a swing on the new set.

“Most of the projects that apply come to us through a referral from one of the ag businesses in the area that we work with, so I usually know a bit about them ahead of time,” says Brown. “Christy was actually referred to our program from the playground company, so it was a bit of a surprise, and after meeting Christy and the kids I am so excited for them.” 

Having the kids be part of the visit from Brown was exciting for Rivett as well.

“My son is a fan of the Happy Gilmore movie and it was just like the scene in that movie when he saw the big cheque -- he was asking if that is what we take to the bank,” she says. “It was pretty cool. We saved the cheque and we're hoping once the equipment is installed that we'll be able to take a picture with it in front of the new equipment.” 

Brown’s job means she is on the road a lot and she is looking forward to her next stop in Big Valley when the installation is complete and the fun is in full swing.

“It’s going to be really neat to drive by the school and see all the kids on the playground and know that our company made their day a little more fun,” she says. “That’s what Stomping Grounds is all about.”

About ADAMA 

ADAMA Canada has been supplying the Canadian agricultural community with crop protection products for more than a decade. We offer an innovative approach to ag and proactively seek opportunities to listen to what our customers, experts and colleagues have to say, taking their inputs and learning from their experience. We combine these insights with our expertise and respond with new products, solutions, services, tailored commercial policies, or information that is relevant to them. We are passionate about agriculture and approach what we do as much more than just a job. Our straightforward, get-it-done attitude helps us stay focused on what we care about most: helping our customers create more sustainable, profitable businesses. ADAMA is the seventh largest crop protection company globally with sales in 100 countries and has the largest portfolio of any company with over 270 active ingredients.