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Extase Wheat Crop

Bishops Frome Tour

As part of our ongoing research into how and when ARIZONA (500g/L folpet) can help to improve disease control in winter wheat, Andy Bailey, ADAMA’s Fungicides Technical Specialist, presents a virtual trials tour from one of our septoria trial sites in Worcestershire in 2023.

Click the arrows to scroll through the trial plots, and take a look at the videos with more advice on how ARIZONA can help this season below

ADAMA fungicide trial site, Herefordshire

Risk’s and recommendations leading up to Wheat T2 Sprays

ARIZONA offers good value septoria protection at T2

T2 Fungicide approach in low potential wheat crops

ARIZONA at T2 helps protect at risk fungicides from septoria resistance

ARIZONA boosts septoria control and adds protection for at risk single site fungicides