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Holly Pratt

Harvest Predictions 2024 - East of England

Black-grass control has been a bit hit and miss in the eastern half of the UK this year. Where pre-emergence and/or post-emergence herbicides were applied in a timely manner, control of black-grass has been good. But, where crops were drilled early but only received a pre-em treatment or nothing at all, there’s an awful lot of black-grass around. The same is also true for those autumn crops that were drilled late in the season and didn’t receive an herbicide on time due to the continued wet conditions.
Holly Pratt

In contrast, where spring drilling was postponed by the weather, the delay has been beneficial in terms of black-grass control.

From a quality perspective, most crops are looking good considering the season. Wheats are in the final stages of flowering, with plenty of septoria and brown rust to be found. Winter barley is starting to turn, with the gates now shut on crops until combining commences.

Spring barley also looks good at the moment, with crops at the flowering stage. The final fungicide applications have only just been applied, so we've probably yet to see what the weather brings in terms of testing the persistency of disease control programmes.

Sugar beet is also looking good, and even though drilled later than normal, most crops have done a pretty good job of going through their growth stages and are not too far behind where they should be in a more ‘normal’ year.

Assuming the weather stays on side, we’ll probably see the first combines rolling in the next week or fortnight, but in terms of yield predictions for wheat, barley and oilseed rape, your guess is as good as mine!