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Farm Manager, Tom Paybody showed our Technical Specialist, Andy Bailey and David Roberts around his crops

Season One Show Two: A Spring Visit to Mill Farm

Date: 01/05/2018
Location: Mill Farm, Maidwell
Show Notes: What a difference a few months can make! The first episode was recorded in the snow, this week however, the sun made an appearance as we walked the fields of Mill Farm where Farm Manager, Tom Paybody showed our Technical Specialist, Andy Bailey and David Roberts around his crops.
Farm Manager, Tom Paybody showed our Technical Specialist, Andy Bailey and David Roberts around his crops

We start the show with a similar format to last time, where we catch up with our two new YEN growers in a pre-recorded interview, Richard Cobbald (South Pickenham) and James Turner (Ludlow) who discus how their crop are looking given the difficult spring, farm resistance and much more. (4.10)

Back at Mill Farm, we get a similar update from Tom Paybody, who grows almost a quarter of his land as spring cropping. He discusses how this has affected his crop rotation and the long time approach to black-grass control. (14.09)

Andy Bailey also takes the opportunity to talk T0 and septoria control with particular reference to  the recent weather conditions. Conversations soon turn to the whole fungicide program and how this has been adapted this spring and the affects on PGR. (21.10)

David Roberts gives his insights into weed mapping and the importance of this, especially to those resistance weeds like black-grass. (28.30)

Next we skipped to a very interesting interview with Sarah Allison who discussed a new project called The Rural Youth Project. This is an initiative focused on rural youth, to better understand and support their needs, desires and challenges. Sarah discusses her personal background and why this inspired her to get involved. (30.40)

Back on farm, we take the opportunity to congratulate Tom on his recent YEN  milling wheat quality award. (38.55)

Conversations move onto the best ways of accessing control of grass weeds from an autumn perspective through to early spring applications. David Roberts shares his best practices. (40.40)