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Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption

ADAMA is committed to the highest ethical standards, by compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations for the purpose of preventing both public and private bribery and corrupted behavior in our organization. This policy details the meaning and implications of these commitments, and the manner in which they should be executed. This policy applies to all ADAMA employees, directors, officers, and all third parties acting on behalf of ADAMA, or providing s...

Modern Slavery

Our Policies on Slavery and Human Trafficking ADAMA is committed to protecting human rights. We place great importance on this value and view it as a cornerstone of our activities. Furthermore, we invest great efforts into identifying and doing business with partners who aspire to conduct their business in a similar manner. This policy applies to all ADAMA employees, directors, officers, and all third parties acting on behalf of ADAMA, or provid...

Terms and Conditions of Use

Executive Summary This website is provided by Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd. For more detailed information, please use our contact form.    What These Terms Cover Some of the websites of our Site may be intended for specific regions or specific products only. While the content of those websites may vary, these terms and conditions of use (the "Terms") are applicable generally to each of our websites. Any further use of the Site or any part of it means you have read a...

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") is effective since 25th May 2018. We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time but we will not reduce your rights. Updates apply as of the effective date, as indicated on the Site. Purpose of this Privacy Policy  We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal  data is protected. The purpose of this&nbsp...

Guidelines and Commitments

A purpose is not something fictitious. Rather, it is the code that shapes and guides an organization.

Our promise

Talk to us and we will really listen to you, we will know the challenges you face and we will provide you with what you need to succeed.