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Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy describes how ADAMA uses cookies. This Cookie Policy only applies with respect to websites mobile sites or mobile applications operated by ADAMA LTD, Golan Street, Airport City, Israel (“ADAMA” also referred to as “we,” “our” or “us”) which a direct hyperlink to this Cookie Policy is posted (“Site” or “Sites”). Our Site uses cookies to ensure that we give you the best possible experience by providing you personalized information, understand how to use our Site and h...

Code of Conduct

ADAMA Agricultural Solutions [1] is a Global Company conducting its business affairs in more than 100 countries worldwide, in a changing work environment deriving, amongst others, from the differences in culture, customs and the legal system of each and every country. The Company places great importance in adopting a Code of Conduct which will guide all the Company's office holders, managers and employees [2] as to the rules of conduct required of them as representatives of ...