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Lamdex 50 EC

An insecticide for the for the control of maize stalk borer on maize and aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, caterpillars and leaf miners on flowers


General Info

Lambdex 50 EC is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide that mimics the structure and insecticidal properties of the naturally-occuring insecticide pyrethrum. It is preferred because lambda-cyhalothrin remains effective for a longer period of time.




Application Advice

Application Rates and Timing

Apply Lamdex 50 EC at the rate of 0.4 L/ha at the onset of the first signs of infestation. Mix with 200-250 L of water/ha for ground application.

Resistance Management

To prevent risk of developing pest resistance it is recommended that Lambdex 50 EC be alternated with products of different modes of action. Do not treat any single crop with more than 2-3 sprays of the same product in any growing season.


Lamdex 50 EC is compatible with most fungicides and insecticides. However, not compatible with products that are strongly alkaline in nature.


Pre-harvest interval: 14 days.

Re-entry interval: 24 hours.

Lambdex 50 EC is highly toxic to fish, other aquatic organisms and bees. Do not contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used packs. Do not spray the crops when bees are foraging.

To learn more safety precautions and first aid instructions concerning the application of  read the downloaded label.

Always read the label carefully before use.

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